Get the embed code Hiss Golden Messenger - Domino (Time Will Tell) / When the Wall Comes Down Album Lyrics1.When the Wall Comes Down Lyrics2.Domino (Time Will Tell) LyricsHiss Golden Messenger Lyrics provided by Taylors band Hiss Golden Messenger have a new album Hallelujah Now which arrives September 22nd and hes dropped a couple of advance tracks from it online. There’s a strange reference on John the Gun to the infamous goth act Sisters of Mercy and more than a few toasts to Van Morrison, most obviously on Domino (Time Will Tell). Grammy nominated American folk band, Hiss Golden Messenger, have just announced the release of their 11th studio album, Jump for Joy, and shared its first. Hiss Golden Messenger review songwriter is an anchor in a rudderless world Village Underground, London Playing solo and acoustic, MC Taylor delves into his sizeable back catalogue to deliver.